Agenda 38: Restoring Election Integrity – Trump’s Vision for 2024

Restoring Election Integrity – Trump’s Vision for 2024

By: Meridian Beverly Hills Investment and Legal Group

One of Donald Trump’s key priorities for his 2024 presidential campaign is to restore election integrity. Following the 2020 election, Trump and his supporters raised concerns about alleged voter fraud, irregularities, and issues related to mail-in ballots. These claims have driven a significant part of his post-presidency political narrative and have become central to his 2024 platform. Trump’s agenda focuses on implementing a series of reforms that he argues are necessary to restore public confidence in the electoral process and ensure that future elections are free, fair, and transparent.

In this article, we will explore Trump’s proposals to restore election integrity, examine the support these policies have received from conservative voters and election security advocates, and consider the challenges his agenda faces from voting rights groups and opponents of election reform.

Trump’s Concerns About the 2020 Election

Donald Trump’s focus on election integrity stems from his repeated claims that the 2020 presidential election was marred by voter fraud and irregularities, particularly in key battleground states. Despite the fact that multiple court rulings and election audits found no widespread evidence of fraud, Trump has maintained that the election was “rigged” against him, leading to a significant portion of his base believing that the results were illegitimate.

Central to Trump’s concerns are issues related to:

  • Mail-in ballots, which he claims were prone to fraud and tampering.
  • Allegations of ballot harvesting, where third parties collect and submit absentee ballots on behalf of voters.
  • Voter ID laws, which Trump argues are essential for ensuring that only eligible voters participate in elections.
  • Electronic voting machines, which he has suggested could be manipulated or hacked.

Strengthening Voter ID Laws

One of the core proposals in Trump’s 2024 election integrity agenda is the implementation of strict voter ID laws. Trump argues that requiring voters to present a government-issued photo ID at the polls is a straightforward and necessary measure to prevent voter fraud and ensure that only eligible citizens can vote. He believes that without strong voter ID laws, elections are vulnerable to manipulation by non-citizens, duplicate voters, or individuals who are not legally eligible to vote.

Trump’s platform emphasizes the need for a national voter ID law that would apply uniformly across all states. While some states already have voter ID requirements, others do not, and Trump argues that this inconsistency undermines the integrity of the electoral process. By requiring a photo ID for all voters, Trump believes the U.S. can prevent cases of voter impersonation and ensure that every vote is legitimate.

Supporters of voter ID laws argue that these measures are essential for safeguarding elections from fraud. They point out that ID requirements are common in other countries and that requiring an ID to vote is no more burdensome than needing one to board a plane, open a bank account, or enter certain buildings. They believe that voter ID laws would strengthen public confidence in the electoral system and help address concerns about voter fraud.

Restoring Election Integrity – Trump’s Vision for 2024 (2)
Photo Courtesy: Dr. Sarah Sun Liew / Meridian Beverly Hills Investment and Legal Group

Eliminating Mail-in Ballots and Tightening Absentee Voting

Another key element of Trump’s election integrity platform is his proposal to eliminate universal mail-in voting and significantly tighten the rules around absentee ballots. Trump has been a vocal critic of mail-in voting, which was expanded in many states during the 2020 election due to the COVID-19 pandemic. He has claimed that mail-in ballots are particularly vulnerable to fraud, manipulation, and ballot harvesting.

Trump’s platform calls for a return to in-person voting as the primary method for casting ballots, with absentee voting restricted to individuals who have a legitimate reason, such as military service, illness, or disability. Trump argues that mail-in ballots create opportunities for fraud, as they are harder to track and verify compared to in-person voting. He also contends that allowing widespread mail-in voting reduces the security of the election process and leads to ballot tampering.

Supporters of these proposals argue that in-person voting is more secure because it requires voters to show up at a polling station, present ID, and cast their vote in a controlled environment. They believe that mail-in voting is more susceptible to errors, mishandling, and fraud, particularly in large-scale elections with millions of ballots being processed through the mail. By limiting absentee voting to specific, verifiable cases, Trump’s supporters argue that the U.S. can significantly reduce the potential for fraudulent ballots being counted.

Ending Ballot Harvesting

Another significant concern for Trump is the practice of ballot harvesting, where third-party individuals or organizations collect and submit absentee ballots on behalf of voters. Trump has argued that this practice is ripe for abuse, as it allows partisan actors to potentially manipulate or tamper with ballots before they are submitted. While ballot harvesting is legal in some states, Trump’s platform calls for a nationwide ban on the practice.

Trump’s proposal to ban ballot harvesting is based on the belief that it creates opportunities for fraud, particularly when partisan groups are involved in the process. He argues that only authorized election officials or family members should be allowed to handle and submit absentee ballots on behalf of voters. By eliminating ballot harvesting, Trump believes that the U.S. can prevent manipulation and ensure that all ballots are handled securely.

Supporters of this policy argue that ballot harvesting has been abused in past elections and that banning the practice would reduce the risk of fraud. They point to instances where partisan groups have been accused of improperly collecting and submitting ballots, sometimes on behalf of voters who did not request assistance. By eliminating ballot harvesting, they believe that elections will be fairer and less prone to outside interference.

Implementing Paper Ballots and Election Audits

Trump’s 2024 platform also includes proposals to return to paper ballots and conduct mandatory audits of election results to ensure transparency and accuracy. Trump has raised concerns about the security of electronic voting machines, arguing that they can be hacked or manipulated to alter the outcome of an election. He has suggested that paper ballots provide a more secure and verifiable method of voting.

Under Trump’s proposal, all U.S. elections would use hand-marked paper ballots, which could be counted manually or scanned by machines. Trump argues that paper ballots are harder to tamper with than electronic systems and that they provide a physical record of each vote, which can be audited if necessary. In addition to switching to paper ballots, Trump’s platform calls for mandatory audits of election results, particularly in closely contested races, to ensure that the final vote count is accurate.

Supporters of paper ballots argue that they provide a reliable backup in case of discrepancies or concerns about the accuracy of machine tallies. They point to other democracies around the world that rely on paper ballots as a secure and transparent method of voting. Additionally, proponents of election audits believe that regular audits would help restore public confidence in the electoral process by providing a clear and transparent verification of the results.

Increasing Penalties for Voter Fraud

In line with his focus on preventing voter fraud, Trump’s platform proposes increasing penalties for individuals and organizations found guilty of committing or facilitating voter fraud. This includes harsher penalties for those who engage in voter impersonation, ballot tampering, and fraudulent registrations.

Trump argues that current penalties for voter fraud are not sufficient to deter individuals from engaging in illegal activities. By increasing the consequences for committing voter fraud, Trump believes the U.S. can prevent future instances of election interference and hold accountable those who seek to undermine the democratic process.

Supporters of this proposal argue that election fraud, even in small numbers, undermines public trust in the electoral system and that tougher penalties would serve as a deterrent to anyone attempting to manipulate election results. They also believe that increased penalties would send a clear message that election integrity is a priority for the U.S. government.

Challenges and Criticism

While Trump’s election integrity agenda has garnered strong support from conservatives and election security advocates, it has also faced significant criticism from voting rights groups and Democratic leaders, who argue that many of these proposals could restrict access to voting, particularly for marginalized communities. Critics contend that policies like strict voter ID laws and limiting mail-in voting disproportionately affect low-income, minority, and elderly voters who may face barriers to obtaining ID or voting in person.

Opponents also argue that there is little evidence to support claims of widespread voter fraud in U.S. elections and that Trump’s proposals are based on unfounded claims about the 2020 election. They argue that election reforms should focus on expanding access to voting rather than placing new restrictions on voters.


Donald Trump’s 2024 platform on restoring election integrity reflects his commitment to ensuring that U.S. elections are secure, transparent, and fair. By proposing stricter voter ID laws, eliminating mail-in voting, banning ballot harvesting, and increasing penalties for voter fraud, Trump aims to address the concerns raised by his supporters about the integrity of the electoral process.

While these policies have garnered strong support from conservatives, they also face challenges from voting rights groups who argue that they could disenfranchise certain voters. As the 2024 election approaches, Trump’s proposals will continue to shape the national debate on how to balance election security with ensuring that all eligible voters can participate in the democratic process.


(focused on agenda 38)

Dr. Sarah Sun Liew for U.S Senate show and today’s America and world new show
Connect with Dr. Sarah Sun Liew
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Published by: Holy Minoza

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