A Pet Parent’s Guide to Sewing Your Own Pet Clothes

A Pet Parent's Guide to Sewing Your Own Pet Clothes
Photo: Unsplash.com

As a pet parent, you want your furry family member to stay warm, feel comfortable, and look stylish. However, none of the outfits for pets you find in local stores may suit your pet’s specific size and needs. Instead of leaving your pet uncovered, you can use this simple guide to sew your own pet clothes.

Measure Carefully

Before you cut out a pattern or start piecing fabric together, you must get your pet’s precise measurements. You need to measure its legs and abdomen. You also need to find out how thick its neck is so you can avoid making clothes that are too restrictive or too loose.

Find Patterns Online

You can find a multitude of cute pet clothing patterns online, many of them for free on social networking sites. You can also adjust doll or baby clothing patterns to fit your pet.

To adjust these patterns, you must extend the measurements for pieces like the bodice or skirt to fit around your pet’s specific dimensions. You must have a measuring tape on hand when you make adjustments to any patterns you find online or freehand.

Use High-Quality Fabric

If you want your pet’s clothing to last for months, if not years, you must use high-quality fabrics for this project. Your pet will presumably run through the yard, climb on furniture, run up and down steps, and roll on the ground. These activities can quickly ruin clothing that is made from poor-quality material.

Instead, you should invest in higher-quality fabrics that will hold up well even when your pet is at its rowdiest. You avoid having to throw away pet clothing that you put a lot of time and effort into making. You also may avoid having to spend time making tedious repairs to it.

Use a Sewing Machine

You should also use a sewing machine to stitch together the pieces of your pet clothing that you make. If you are a novice sewer or do not make the tightest and sturdiest stitches when you sew, you risk pet clothing falling apart if you sew it by hand.

Rather than risk the threads coming undone and the entire outfit falling off your pet while you are out for a walk or during a raucous play session, you can use a sewing machine to piece the clothing together. The sewing machine will make tighter and sturdier stitches than what you may be able to accomplish with hand sewing.

Be Practical

As much as you would love to dress up your pet in a full outfit, you have to remember to be practical when you sew together pet clothing for it. You need to make allowances for your pet to use the bathroom easily without the clothing getting in the way. Leaving space for your pet to use the restroom effectively can spare you from unpleasant messes to scrub out of the clothing.

These tips can help you sew your pet’s clothing. You forgo having to buy outfits at the store and can create custom pieces that you and your pet can enjoy.

Published by: Nelly Chavez

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