Oral Care During the Holidays: What Dr. Joyce Kahng Wants You to Consider

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By: Rare Relations

As we approach the holiday season, marked by festive gatherings and indulgent treats, it’s easy to sideline our regular dental routine. The abundance of holiday feasts, tempting desserts, and celebratory drinks often takes precedence over our daily habits, leading to a potential lapse in oral care, but it’s essential to recognize that the joy of the season shouldn’t come at the expense of our dental health. 

Dr. Joyce Kahng, an experienced dental professional, shares practical insights on maintaining optimal oral health during this time. From simplifying your travel dental kit to addressing the challenges posed by holiday habits, Dr. Kahng’s advice provides a straightforward and informative guide to ensuring your smile remains healthy throughout the festivities. 

Simplify Your Travel Dental Kit

During the holidays, many of us find ourselves on the move. Whether it’s visiting family nearby or jetting off on an exotic vacation, maintaining your dental routine should continue to be a daily priority. There is no need to worry though, dental care does not have to be another complicated responsibility. In fact, Dr. Joyce Kahng suggests simplifying your travel dental kit. Instead of packing an array of oral care tools, she opts for just the basics: a manual toothbrush, floss, and a toothpaste. Just bringing those three things will suffice and save you from the hassle of needing to charge your toothbrush or deal with meeting the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) restrictions. 

The standard travel-sized tube of toothpaste holds about 0.85 ounces, which complies with TSA regulations that any liquids must be below 3.4 ounces to carry onboard a flight. If you bring a 0.85 ounce tube, you can expect it to last you around 42.5 uses, or just about 14 days. Calculating how much you plan to use while planning for your trip will help ensure you have enough for your entire trip. 

Travel Day Dental Routine

Almost everyone can relate to the idea that flying on a plane throws our perception of time off, so it’s no surprise that during a long flight is when people neglect their oral care the most. It also doesn’t help that people typically aren’t thinking about their dental routine on a plane. To combat this, Dr. Joyce Kahng suggests attending to your dental needs before boarding the flight. This ensures that oral hygiene doesn’t get neglected during travel, offering a convenient way to stay on top of your dental routine even at 30,000 feet.

Contrary to common misconceptions, Dr. Kahng explains that the goal of brushing isn’t solely to prepare for sleep or the day ahead. Instead, it’s about breaking up plaque, biofilm, and bacteria every 12 hours. This routine prevents the accumulation of plaque and bacteria, reducing the risk of dental issues in the future. Even if you plan to eat during the flight, the pre-boarding brushing session acts as a proactive step in maintaining oral health.

On top of that, brushing your teeth before a flight is helpful for those struggling to adhere to the 12-hour interval. Getting that extra brushing in can contribute to a healthier smile, especially during the holiday season when routines are more prone to disruption.

Be Aware of Unhealthy Holiday Eating Habits

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Late nights, increased snacking, and irregular eating patterns can all contribute to oral health challenges. The frequency of eating is crucial in preventing decay, and Dr. Kahng suggests being mindful of continuous snacking. While indulging in holiday treats is encouraged, she recommends minimizing the frequency of eating occasions. Sitting down for a meal rather than constantly snacking throughout the day can significantly contribute to oral health.

The holiday season brings an abundance of sugary sweets and desserts like eggnog, candy canes, hot chocolate, and baked goods. However, it’s important to be aware of the impact of sugar on our teeth. When we consume sugar, it reacts with bacteria in plaque, producing acid. This acid is a major cause of tooth decay as it slowly dissolves the enamel, leading to holes or cavities in the teeth. As we enjoy these festive treats, it’s crucial to strike a balance and adopt practices that protect our dental health during this indulgent season. 

An advisable practice is to wait approximately 30 minutes post-meal to avoid brushing your teeth immediately, preventing the unintentional spreading of natural acids that could lead to tooth erosion. 

Often overlooked, holiday beverages like apple cider and cocktails can significantly influence our dental health. It’s essential to remember that anything consumed apart from water may have acidic properties that contribute to tooth erosion. These beverages can also contribute to tooth decay due to the presence of added sugars. If indulging in these festive drinks is part of your holiday enjoyment, it’s advisable to maintain regular hydration and frequently rinse your mouth with water. 

These simple practices can help mitigate the potential adverse effects on your teeth, allowing you to savor the seasonal treats without compromising the health of your teeth.


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