She Lives Life on Her Own Terms – Vanessa Valente Describes What It Means to Live Authentically

She Lives Life on Her Own Terms - Vanessa Valente Describes What It Means to Live Authentically
Photo Courtesy: Vanessa Valente

Living authentically is being genuine to who you are – embracing your values, beliefs, and interests. In the pursuit of authenticity, one must remain true to their essence, allowing their unique personality to shine through every facet of their existence. It involves a continuous journey of self-discovery, where individuals uncover layers of their identity, refining and defining themselves with each experience.

It’s rewarding but it’s not always easy. Vanessa Valente, a participant from Temptation Island season 5, has learned many lessons about living authentically. After facing hardships in her relationships, she concluded that no matter what, betraying your true self to make others happy is never worth it. 

For several years, Vanessa’s identity was deeply rooted in her relationships. Being married at the tender age of 19 meant that all the growing and maturing that transpired was through the influence of her spouse and not as an independent individual.

She describes marriage as a beautiful union; and she found being a wife a very fulfilling role; but after that relationship dissolved, she continued to look for traditional love in a society where love evolved into instant gratification driven by promiscuity and self-interest. After a couple of dating endeavors, she met and grew fond of a man that made her ready to invest her heart again which led them to the ultimate test at Temptation Island.

Despite the shocking experience on Temptation Island, she remains committed to living authentically. Vanessa has never been one to hold her tongue, she’s very outspoken and what some may perceive as assertive, others truly adore about her, but in the midst of perception and reality, she remains loyal to her beliefs and the unconditional loyalty displayed on the island was a reflection of those beliefs.  

The path to authentic living is riddled with many hurdles. However, having support from someone who has been on this journey can help you overcome them with ease. That’s why Vanessa has launched the Peaceful Pathway

It’s a support group helping people transition from living for others to living for themselves. Through an eight-week program, Vanessa trains people to outgrow emotional traumas, find their true selves, and leap toward personal growth. 

Understanding yourself is the first step towards living authentically.

Authenticity means being honest with yourself and expressing your thoughts and feelings openly. Vanessa believes, “When you open up and share your true self, you create deeper connections with others.”

Make choices that align with your interests. Vanessa says, “It’s about saying no when you need to and standing up for what you believe in.” It’s challenging but living life on your terms is empowering.

Another important aspect of authenticity is self-acceptance,” adds Vanessa. Embrace what makes you unique. You’ll find greater peace when you accept yourself.

Comparing yourself to others leads to insecurity and jealousy. Remember that your journey is unique, and your path is your own. “Focus on your growth and progress instead of measuring yourself against others,” says Vanessa.

Authentic living can attract people that respect you for you. Authenticity fosters genuine connections, allowing you to build a support system. “Remember that you don’t have to be like everyone else to be happy or successful,” Vanessa summarizes.

Embracing your true self, understanding and acknowledging your values, and making well-informed decisions that align with your core beliefs can undoubtedly lead to a more meaningful and fulfilling life. This journey towards authenticity not only fosters better relationships but also cultivates a profound sense of happiness and contentment. By being true to yourself, embracing authenticity becomes a guiding principle in navigating the complexities of life, allowing you to live each day on your own terms and with a genuine sense of purpose.

Published by: Martin De Juan

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