Why Do Restrictive Diets Lead to Weight Gain?

Why Do Restrictive Diets Lead to Weight Gain?
Photo: Pexels.com

By: Maria Williams

Restrictive diets go hand-in-hand with the rise and fall of fad dieting, which aims to be a solution for weight management. 

However, individuals on restrictive diets often end up gaining weight instead of losing it. Weight cycling, otherwise known as yo-yo dieting, is the pattern of losing weight before gaining it back. CNET cites a study from the CUIMC that shows how 70% of female participants experienced at least one instance of weight cycling. 

On its own, weight fluctuation is entirely normal. Yet the frequency of counterproductive weight gain following restrictive diets tells us that there is an inherent problem with the method that affects an individual’s ability to lose weight. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at this connection. 

Restrictive Diets and Weight Gain

Restrictive diets focus on the simple principle of vilifying a particular food or nutrient while ignoring its original purpose in ensuring the body’s daily functions. These restrictions can include juice diets with solid foods, raw paleo diets with cooked foods, Atkins diets with carbohydrates, and many others. Many people then presume a diet’s credibility is based on results because the restriction allows the body to enter into a calorie deficit. It is this initial stage where many tend to shed pounds. 

Restrictive diets are not intended to be followed long-term because individuals risk nutritional deficiency, which could lead to muscle weakness, reduced immunity, fertility issues, and more. Instead, people tend to slip into a diet-binge cycle, where they end up binging on food with guilt after restricting their intake for days. 

By this time, however, the body will have likely adjusted its metabolic processes and compensatory behavioral mechanisms to its current state of starvation. Restrictive diets can cause the body to conserve energy in an act of self-preservation. The minimal calories that you consume will thus no longer be burned and instead be stored as fats. 

Additionally, the body will be working overtime to produce the peptide hormone ghrelin, which stimulates appetite, while decreasing the production of leptin, which lets the body know when it is full. An increased production of the stress hormone corticosterone further disrupts the natural balance of hormones in the body. This means that the body may fail to immediately return to optimal functions even after individuals quit their restrictive diet. 

Alternatives to Restrictive Diets

Successfully losing pounds and maintaining a healthy weight requires changes to your lifestyle. One-size-fits-all diets can lead to weight gain because they don’t consider people’s health status or needs. That is why weight management programs must highlight expert advice and be tailored to an individual’s unique lifestyle and body to be effective. Any unhealthy habits or conditions you may have that affect your weight—from late-night eating to sedentary lifestyles to diabetes—will be taken into consideration. This approach also addresses the underlying causes of excessive weight gain.

Sustainable and holistic weight management is achieved by personalizing adjustments to one’s nutritional intake, exercise, and sleep. Supplementing a sustainable diet with healthy amounts of physical activity enables more efficient weight management and leads to improved mental and physical health, disease prevention, and long-term health as one ages. 

In contrast to restrictive diets, a healthy diet and exercise ensure that you’re meeting your nutritional needs, building stronger bones and muscles, and improving your overall quality of life.

People lose and gain weight at varying paces because we are all unique. It’s important to be patient with your progress and avoid falling for the scheme of restrictive diets that promise quick results based on standardized but often unscientific principles. By listening to your body and consulting with medical and dietary professionals, you can reach your weight goal while properly nurturing your mind and body. For more on lifestyle and wellness in the City that Never Sleeps, check out our other articles on Voyage New York.

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice, nor does it replace professional medical expertise or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, always consult with a physician or other healthcare professional.

Published by: Martin De Juan

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