Beyond Boundaries: Redefining Excellence in Public Relations

Public Relations
Photo Credited to: Skye Mackintosh

In the shiny corner of Public Relations, where messages are carefully crafted and connections meticulously made, there’s a story that often goes untold. The one of breaking barriers, defying odds, and the unique challenges faced by public relations professionals. If you’ve ever wondered about the nuances of navigating PR or if you’re just curious about a refreshing perspective in the field, let us introduce you to a PR Professional who is paving the way for a higher standard of excellence–Jeffery Mann.

Narrative Matters

We’re casting a light on not only the obstacles faced by PR professionals today but also the paradigm shift of genuine relationships in an industry often skewed towards transient engagements. Jeffery Mann highlights the transformative power of authenticity and deep-rooted alliances with his individual approach to PR.

Crafting PR with Authenticity

Distinct from the conventional PR playbook, Jeff channels an approach that transcends beyond mere messaging. His diverse experiences, including being one of the few people of color found in the public relations field, coupled with real-life experience and success, haven’t just embellished his understanding but have molded his PR methodology.

Jeff’s belief is anchored in genuine understanding and connection. Throughout his professional and life experience, he’s internalized the essence of resonating with people beyond the façade. In his words, “In the realm of public relations, one of the key challenges is realizing that it’s not solely about what you know but also about who you know. It’s about building connections and identifying synergies.”

Jeff shared with us what he loves most about working in PR: “It’s the incredible diversity of people I encounter every day. Whether it’s face-to-face meetings, phone conversations, or even text exchanges, every interaction offers an opportunity to learn something new. I find that with each person I connect with, there’s always a valuable nugget of knowledge that I can absorb to improve myself. The other aspect that excites me is the chance to assist my clients in achieving their dreams. In PR, my role is essentially that of a storyteller, where I take my clients’ stories and transform them into compelling narratives. It’s gratifying to help bring their visions, dreams, and missions to life and share them with audiences all around the world.”

Jeff’s Unique Perspective 

Navigating PR as a Black professional is riddled with its unique challenges – from battling implicit biases to consistently being the minority in the room. However, Jeff’s global perspective and unwavering authenticity turn this narrative on its head.

For Jeff, the prism of being Black in PR isn’t confined to surmounting barriers but to elevating standards. Drawing from his diverse experiences, he crafts relationships that transcend race and focuses on partnerships that resonate deeper than profit margins.

Jeff’s top 10 tips on Reaching a Higher Standard in PR  

#1. Adopt the right mindset and strategies. Be positive, do your homework, and keep your mind right as you learn and grow in any position and capacity.

#2. Embrace your uniqueness. In my case, I recognize that my perspective and experiences as a minority bring a rich diversity to each room I find myself in, which sets me apart in a meaningful way. I’m also passionate about fitness and exercise and prioritize my well-being, both physically and professionally. I visibly demonstrate my dedication to health and self-care when offering a handshake, underscoring the commitment and diligence I bring to my client relationships. You have a unique perspective and experiences, too. Lean into that.

#3. Networking is key. Build a strong support network of mentors, peers, and allies within the industry. Cultivate a network of individuals, often referred to as a “tribe,” who can provide valuable advice and support as needed.

#4. Continuously learn and stay informed about industry trends and best practices. This will boost your confidence and credibility. 

#5. Seek mentorship and sponsorship from individuals who can guide your career and help you navigate challenges. One of my friends aptly describes it as “adhering to a structured plan.” Just as one would follow a precise recipe when baking brownies, similar precision is essential in various endeavors.

#6. Confidence and assertiveness are equally important; believe in your abilities, and don’t hesitate to share your ideas and assert yourself in professional settings. I’ve learned the hard way that it’s okay to say that you don’t know or you got it wrong. 

#7. Develop cultural competence and educate others on diversity and inclusion issues that can drive positive change. As a person of color, it’s important not only to share about my culture but to learn about other people’s cultures, religions, and beliefs. It allows me to understand people on a personal level. 

#8. Seek out inclusive clients who value diversity in their workplace culture, as they are more likely to provide opportunities for growth and advancement. 

#9. Build a personal brand to help showcase your expertise and authority in your field and share it with the world. If you are personal and vulnerable, it builds trust with clients and the people you interact with. 

#10. Claim resilience. The ability to navigate challenges and biases while maintaining professionalism is vital. Lean on your tribe, whether that’s family, friends, or professional organizations. They can provide invaluable assistance. 

Forging Relationships: Jeff’s PR Mantra

Not only believing but living the mantra, “embrace collaboration over competition,” Jeff underscores the importance of mutual growth. He shares, “Initially, when I entered the world of PR, I had the misconception that it was purely transactional. But it’s more about creating a community or tribe that can open doors and foster success.” For him, PR’s triumph isn’t tallied by press releases but by the depth and essence of relationships forged.

Future PR Insights from Jeff

Peering into the future, Jeff predicts, “The future of public relations holds incredible transformations. With advancements in technology, PR professionals will use data analytics and AI-driven tools for deeper insights into audience behavior.” He anticipates an age where PR, marketing, and content creation merge, birthing integrative storytelling strategies that engage across diverse platforms, from social media to emerging tech.

Get in Touch

Jeffery Mann stands as a testament to the dedication and authenticity a PR professional can bring regardless of race. His journey illuminates the path not just for budding Black professionals but for anyone aspiring for a profound approach to PR.

To learn more about Jeffrey Mann’s work and for a glimpse into his daily life, check out his Instagram @progressionover_perfection.


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