Beyond the Glamour: The Lives of Off-Duty Models

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The world of modeling conjures images of a glamorous, jet-setting lifestyle filled with dazzling photo shoots, high-fashion runways, and exclusive parties. While that may represent a sliver of a model’s life, what unfolds when they’re off-duty often tells a vastly different and frequently unexpected story.

Contrary to popular belief, modeling is not a 24/7 runway extravaganza. It’s a career marked by unpredictable hours, long periods of waiting, and a constant battle against both jet lag and rejection. While the spotlight moments are undoubtedly thrilling, what do models do when the cameras stop flashing, and the makeup is washed away?

For many models, the “off-duty” hours revolve around maintaining the physical standards demanded by the industry. Nutritious diets, regular workouts, and rigorous skincare routines often dominate their daily lives. “Looking healthy and camera-ready requires constant work,” reveals a model with a decade of experience in the industry. “It’s not just about the hours at the gym; it’s about what I eat, how much sleep I get, and even how I manage stress.”

Beyond the focus on physical appearance, off-duty hours for models are often filled with pursuits designed to enrich their minds and broaden their horizons. Many models dedicate their time to education, taking online courses, or even pursuing full-time degrees alongside their modeling careers. Others explore their passions for art, music, writing, or languages. “Modeling has given me amazing opportunities to travel the world,” shares a young model. “I use my downtime to soak up different cultures, learn new things, and try to become a more well-rounded person.”

Perhaps surprisingly, a growing number of models are embracing entrepreneurial ventures during their time away from the fashion world. They are launching their own businesses, often in areas that intersect with their modeling experience, such as beauty, fashion, or wellness brands. Others use their platforms to advocate for causes they believe in, ranging from social justice to environmentalism.

Despite the perception of a lavish lifestyle, many models face financial uncertainty in a gig-based economy. Balancing unpredictable income streams requires resourcefulness. To supplement their income, some models find side hustles, working as personal trainers, yoga instructors, or even freelance creatives. “The modeling industry can be unpredictable; one month you’re booked solid, the next you’re waiting by the phone,” explains a veteran model. “Having a side hustle gives me more control over my life and finances.”

When off-duty, models crave something we can all relate to: connection and downtime. Building friendships outside the competitive fashion bubble offers respite and a sense of stability. Simple pleasures like exploring nature, cooking, or spending time with loved ones become cherished anchors when work life feels particularly hectic.

Importantly, mental health and self-care are becoming increasingly recognized as vital in the often-pressure-filled world of modeling. Seeking therapy, practicing mindfulness techniques, or setting healthy boundaries are ways in which models strive to maintain wellbeing. “This industry can be overwhelming, so finding ways to prioritize my mental health is essential,” confides a seasoned model.

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