Despite being a social media superstar, Dark Joseph Ravine spends much of his time outdoors. He asserts that outdoor activity has more benefits than people talk about. For example, 5 minutes of outdoor activity can ease anxiety by releasing endorphins that are necessary to calm the body. It doesn’t always need to be complicated, either. Sometimes, a short walk every day is enough to positively change a previously sour mood.
“I’m human,” says Ravine. “Sometimes, I wake up on the wrong side of the bed. But when I step outside, it all gets better, like all my worries get washed away with the ocean waves.”
Ravine says that he likes to go out and sit near a waterfront with a good book. This simple, relaxing activity is enough to turn his frown upside down. On his social media platforms, Ravine constantly promotes positivity and happiness. Still, he knows it can’t all be sunshine and rainbows. Everyone, even Ravine, has bad days. They never stop him from being kind to others, though, and sometimes the bad days can even be motivational to move forward, improving your situation.
“It’s all about how you handle it,” he says. “You can’t make any progress if you let your bad feelings ruminate for too long.”
Rumination is defined as the process of thinking deeply about something. People with anxiety understand this all too well. Going out in nature allows you to avoid ruminating about any dark feelings you may have at that moment. You must constantly check-in with yourself, stick to your routines, and allow yourself to feel. Ravine hopes that he can be a positive outlet for his audience to vent, observe, and learn.
“We consume so much media all the time. It can get pretty overwhelming,” says Ravine.
In fact, we consume more media now than ever before. We are constantly exposed to new trends, headlines, and information that can drastically alter the course of our days, or even lives, in a matter of seconds. Thankfully, we still have more power than it may seem. By granting yourself the space to unplug, you can change your mindset for the better. Simply going for a walk once a day drastically improves most peoples’ moods.
The effects are long-lasting, too. Daily exposure to the sun promotes higher levels of vitamin D3, which is responsible for your body’s source of serotonin, a hormone known to regulate your happiness levels. People with mental health conditions are said to have a serotonin deficiency. Of course, that is all in simpler scientific terms, but following Ravine’s lead in embracing nature will drastically improve your levels of serotonin.
More social media stars like Ravine are starting to embrace the effects of daily nature walks. During the COVID-19 pandemic, many began vlogging their nature walk experience. This created a ripple effect, with viewers of all ages being influenced by their favorite social media stars to take daily walks.
“Plus, you may even get a tan!” jokes Ravine.