Digital Detox Made Easy: The 5-Minute Meditation Trick

Digital Detox Made Easy: The 5-Minute Meditation Trick

It will probably take less than five seconds before you get distracted again. Many studies have linked digital media use with increased symptoms of ADHD. 

This has a negative impact on the ability to hyperfocus because studies have also found that the correlation between digital media use and hyperfocus is low.

This article is going to give you the exact solution you need to claim your focus and attention back. And it’s not throwing your phone away locked in a cage or using a phone jail. It’s much simpler and quick to implement. 

Digital detox is indeed important, but that doesn’t mean you need to sacrifice the positive things it brings to the table. 

Importance Of Balancing Digital Conveniences With Digital Detox

When talking about digital detox, it’s foolish to ignore how easy and convenient our phones, laptops, and tablets make our lives today.

Everything is much more convenient and time-saving because of it. From ordering groceries to paying bills, and setting reminders for appointments. It basically works like a personal assistant. 

Even connecting with people, think about how many times introverts have saved themselves from a draining meeting or a phone call just because text, social media, and emails exist.

However, you can’t also ignore that every social media site is racing to grab your attention as fast as they can. Trying to keep you on their platform for as long as they can.

That’s not even the bad part, the thing is, it prevents you from accessing your full potential. Can you imagine what that 5 hours of scrolling on your phone is doing to your brain and eyes? 

  • It impacts your brain and cognitive abilities.
  • Reduces your attention span and mental capacity 
  • Negatively affects your memory
  • Impacts your emotional well-being and is linked with increased symptoms of depression
  • Increases chances of myopia
  • Causes dry eyes
  • Eye strain and headaches

Just one choice can help you avoid these problems without having to sacrifice advantages and conveniences, ‘meditation’.

The 5-Minute Meditation Trick For Digital Detox

What do we dread about the digital detox the most? Having to let go of the habit, having to sacrifice the ‘fun’. Sacrifice the need to get the latest updates all the time? 

But do you know you are also sacrificing being part of that fast-paced progress and growth in your life, personal, professional, and spiritual?

Let’s take a look at what you need to do to take your focus back!

Look at any object at a far distance for 30 seconds

This will direct your attention outwards and away from your phone. This is important in order to make a shift in your habits. It also helps provide rest for your eyes constantly looking at the screens.

Put on a 5-minute guided meditation on the phone

What you are doing here is not trying to get rid of or resist your phone in order to gain focus but using it and making it part of your digital detox lifestyle. The reason why digital detox or dopamine detox fails is the resistance or friction that happens in your mind.

If you ever truly want to do a dopamine detox and get your focus back, the first thing is to improve your relationship with the use of gadgets that provide dopamine. 

There’s a very unique guided meditation app that focuses on the three-dimensional solution to these very real problems. Guided meditations on the Enhanced Meditation app are designed for personal, professional, and spiritual growth. 

It has a very big library of guided meditations suitable for beginners and advanced meditators alike. 

For this step, you don’t always have to close your eyes if you can keep them open while still following the guided meditation. However, it’s always interesting to turn the attention inward.

When you meditate by turning your attention inward, it positively impacts your brain to increase your attention span. 

Give your thoughts time

Spending a little bit of time with yourself and your thoughts. It will allow you to process the repressed emotions that you are trying to distract yourself from. We all do unadmittedly do it by spending more time on social media trying to avoid facing the real issues.

Sometimes, it’s okay to allow yourself to run from difficult emotions or difficult things to do, but the real growth is when you embrace doing the hard things. 

The first hard thing is facing the things that are making you scroll for hours.

Give yourself some time to face these emotions, be it 2 minutes or five minutes. You will save yourself from many sleepless nights and unproductive days.

Benefits Of 5-minute meditation trick

It will improve your attention span: When you are not chasing dopamine and turning inwards to face your thoughts, it helps increase your attention span.

Forms new neurological pathways: Whenever you do something new and different, a shift happens in your brain. These tiny shifts can eventually result in improved focus, mental capacity, and cognitive functions. It can also reduce fear and anxiety.

Emotional balance and mental clarity: Regular meditation practice makes it easy to process emotions and also result in more clarity. End result is way less distracted and way more focused and present in mind.

Having fun when meditating without resisting or creating friction with your conveniences of digital is the best way to do the digital detox. You don’t need to run away to a forest and meditate day and night for the digital detox. 5-minutes of daily interesting meditation sessions can easily do the trick.

Medical Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice, nor does it replace professional medical expertise or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, always consult with a physician or other healthcare professional.


Published By: Aize Perez

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