SeriousPensPublishing on Merging Adventure and History Into Thrilling Fiction

There’s a famous saying that goes, “Books are tools through which a person can live a thousand lives in one, traveling the world from the comfort of their room.” Undoubtedly, the stories and histories documented in books have played a remarkable role in shaping today’s world. Still, in recent times, the literary culture seems to be waning among the youths putting the future at risk. To help raise literacy levels and encourage reading, educator Paul C. Darden has taken the bold step to engage his readers in a fictitious world, spinning compelling stories that aren’t far removed from the world today through his publishing company SeriousPensPublishing

Launched at the height of the global pandemic by Paul C. Darden, SeriousPensPublishing is a passion project born out of a love for education and imparting knowledge. The 100% black-owned company fills the gap and provides students with diverse content unique and tells stories that embody real-life stories. The first book from the publication was a free e-book titled; “Rise of The Runners” – a prequel to the first novel “FreedomRunner,” the first book in the Time Runners Series. 

Unlike any of its kind, the novel focuses on the history and explores multiple cultures from an educational/adventurous perspective. The books also have teacher-friendly guides complete with test prep, homework, answer keys and content for all academic levels from A.P. to struggling students. The built-in autonomy for students and cross-content also makes it easy for students to carry knowledge from one class to another. 

The visionary behind the company, Paul C. Darden, was born in Longview, Texas, but later relocated to The Bronx, New York, where he grew up. Growing up in The Bronx, Paul was the youngest of four boys with a mother who struggled to keep the family together; Paul was introduced early to the harsh realities of life. However, he witnessed firsthand how education marked a difference in a person’s life and decided to embrace it to change his circumstances. “I developed my love for education after seeing many of my friends and brothers turn to street life. I saw education save the lives of so many others,” he shared. 

A goal-getter, Paul  C. Darden stayed committed to his goal and even joined the debate team in his high school to sharpen his public speaking skills. After graduation, he proceeded to the University of Michigan Debate camp, honing his skills and broadening his horizon even in the face of discrimination. After his program at the debate camp ended, Paul made his way back to NYC to help his mother and pursued his passion for education by attending Bronx Community College and Lehman College.

With years of education under his belt, Paul felt responsible for shaping the next generations of leaders and chose to apply his skills as an educator. “Working with the youth has always been my passion because it is a way for me to give back and help make the world a better place,” he shared. He  started his career in education by working with the non-profit organization “New York City Outward Bound” as a youth in a program called the “Rebels with a Cause.” Then, as a volunteer, Paul worked with kids in the South Bronx, helping them find a literary foothold that keeps them off the streets and crimes.

Having understood the power of knowledge and how the proper support can nudge the younger generation towards a better future, Paul decided to join the teaching force. For seven years, he has been teaching U.S history to 7th and 8th graders in The Bronx public schools.

In the coming years, Paul C. Darden aims to expand his company to cater to students worldwide in multiple languages. He also wants to continue to be a community pillar by giving back through annual book fairs and creating programs to educate the youth and their families.

To learn more about Paul C. Darden and SeriousPensPublishing, visit the company’s website.

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