Marriage is a beautiful thing, but it can also be complicated and trying. When a marriage is in distress, it can feel impossible to repair without the help of an outsider. This is where Spirit Led Ministry comes in.
Spirit Led Ministry is a marriage and relationship ministry that provides biblical counseling, coaching, and resources to couples and singles preparing for marriage. Its goal is to equip and strengthen couples to live out God’s purpose for their relationship. The founders, Jacques and Toshia Posey, teach that the key to a successful and fulfilling relationship is mutual submission to one another and to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Jacques and Toshia Posey founded Spirit Led Ministry after their own marriage was transformed by putting God at the center of their relationship, making them more dedicated to helping others do the same. Jacques, an author, inspirational speaker, and coach, earned his Bachelor’s in Finance and a Master’s in Human Services, Counseling, and Executive Leadership to prepare him for the purpose he saw God unfolding in his life. He co-wrote the new inspirational book, “Spirit Led Marriage: Our Journey” with his wife and partner, Toshia Posey, who is an Evangelist, author, speaker, and coach. Toshia received her call into ministry in 2005 and later followed the Holy Spirit’s prompting to start Spirit Led Ministry with her husband. She has been utilizing her gifts in encouragement, speaking and writing to inspire couples to transform their marriages with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. This is done through her pursuit of a Master’s in Ministry and Business Administration and certification in counseling.
The mission of Spirit Led Ministry is to help men, women, and couples understand, embrace, and implement God’s truths in their marriages and relationships. When a marriage is in distress, it can be difficult for the parties involved to see things rationally. They are too caught up in the emotions of the situation to be able to see the other person’s point of view. Spirit Led Ministry advises couples struggling with their relationship not to suffer alone but to seek the help of a competent, knowledgeable, independent third party who can provide a detached perspective and help them see things they may not be able to see themselves.
Aiming to assist couples in saving their marriages and fulfilling God’s purpose through an atmosphere of positive reinforcement, support, and celebration, Spirit Led Ministry reminds that giving up on one’s marriage too early without exploring all possible avenues to save it can emotionally, on top of everything else, affect both parties. Therefore, it is important to remember that marriage is worth fighting for.