Top Regenerative Health Expert and Success Coach on Adopting Successful Habits and Changing the Shape of Future

Top Regenerative Health Expert and Success Coach on Adopting Successful Habits and Changing the Shape of Future
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Certain habits take you far in life. They help you build routines that aid in the accomplishment of goals. Though, adopting these habits is a heavy workout. Many people don’t even know what to do or where to start. That is why Carrie Drinkwine is here to help everyone set up a routine for success.

A famous freedom-and-success coach, Carrie has faced many struggles throughout her life. By adopting certain habits, she overcame them. Now, Carrie coaches others to do the same, using her experience as a tool to aid them. Not just that, she is also the owner of Wise Wellness Clinic and the Institute of Regenerative Health, helping and training people to reverse chronic illnesses naturally.

Habits that can help you shape your future don’t come in a one-size-fits-all manner. Though, a single framework can assist many people. Thus, Carrie has shared her five-point scheme, based on a belief that, like actualities, concepts also vibrate at specific frequencies. When you match the frequency of your soul with your desire, you attract it because it simply becomes your resonance. That is the essence of self-mastery.

Visualize your goals and embrace the resonance of achieving them”- is the first habit in her framework. “Ask yourself three questions daily.

1) What do I want?

2) Why do I want it?

3) What if I had it?

In the third question, you go there in your mind, and you experience the vibration of success and your best life”, she says. These three questions develop your mindset for success, connect you to your vision, and help experience the emotions of your desires, which, in turn, affect your vibrational frequency. Carrie believes that your dominant frequency creates the reality in your life. We are truly the creators of our every experience.  The emotions that dominate the majority of the time will be what you attract into your life.  These three questions help you Bio-hack a new vibration in an instant. 

This habit of visualizing goals puts you in the zone of triumph. The second habit in Carrie’s scheme is organization, which is not something that comes naturally to her.  Planning, tracking, recording, and efficiently managing your tasks is at the root of it. Carrie states, “success relies on systems, and systems relieve stress and prevent feeling scattered”  Another habit that makes the difference between failure and success is time-blocking. Dividing your time into “blocks” according to your tasks. The key is knowing your most productive times of day and placing your most difficult tasks strategically when you are in a peak state for productivity. Place the more mindless busy work when you don’t need to be fully engaged.  Carrie believes in planning her tasks the night before and scheduling them. Carrie adopted the mentality  from a mentor that quoted Thomas Edison to ‘Never go to bed without planting a seed in the subconscious mind.’ This will inevitably maximize your productivity and wire you for success. 

Perseverance and ‘celebrating daily wins’ are the last two habits in her framework. They keep you energized to stay consistent toward and focused on your goals. These five habits make the gist of the framework needed for success. But there is more to it. Although these are for individuals to adopt, the aim is to impact globally.

The world is in a state of war, a war against poverty, disease, lack of opportunities, and failures. Humanity is barely able to achieve a stalemate after sacrificing a lot. If the whole world can transform its mindset and match its frequency to attract a progressive world, then we can truly transform our reality. And that is what Carrie aims to do; to achieve a better future for humanity by transforming and helping individuals through self-mastery.

Listed as one of the top 10 entrepreneurs in 2023, she is a pioneer, mentor, educator, and visionary. Read more about Carrie Drinkwine, her achievements, and her goals.

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