Making cigars involves artistry as much as it does industry. Early cigar-making was done by hand, and its origins are traced back to the indigenous peoples of North and South America. Sun-grown crops were rolled using rudimentary techniques for generations, but these efforts were enjoyed by many and paved the way for future cigars. Technology started taking over as time passed, and cigars became a global passion. While technology has influenced cigar-making and industry operations in many distinct ways, three in particular stand out more than the rest.
1. Digital Humidors
The science of tobacco flavor often determines how successful or enjoyable a cigar will be. Cigar manufacturers know that their products need storage where the humidity and temperatures are controlled within precise ranges. These rooms are known as humidors. In the best cases, they’re usually kept at 70F with 70% humidity. For decades, maintaining these levels might have involved a lot of guesswork or reliance on analog hardware, but modern technology includes smart thermometers and digital measurements for premium environmental control. Special sensors can trigger alarms that sense Wi-Fi messages to users who can respond quickly to changing indoor climate conditions.
2. Machines Matter
As mentioned earlier, traditional cigar-making was done by hand, but machines have taken over. Two prominent examples include cutting machines and rolling machines. Cigars used to have many different shapes and sizes before cutting machines standardized consistent measurements. Cutting machines can be automatic or manual, but both sped up cigar manufacturing. Rolling machines started in the late 19th century and have undergone multiple iterations. Fortunately, each generation advanced on the previous models. All these machines have made mass production cheaper; consumers save money, and cigar manufacturers can still make more money because they enjoy higher profit margins.
3. Robotics Rule the Future
One of the most prominent tobacco industry inventions could be the robotic hardware that is taking over many aspects of cigar production. In many cases, robotics have taken the need for human labor out of the equation. Current robotic equipment can already roll cigars in high volume, and many manufacturers use robotics to add cellophane wrap and cigar bands. Some technology in the industry can grade and sort tobacco leaves, and in future years, robotics will aid in other areas of cigar production. Manufacturers love robotic equipment that can work 24/7 doing precision work. Power and maintenance are necessary, but the machines don’t need breaks or benefits.
Tobacco Selling Was Also Impacted by Technology
For all the industrial innovations of tobacco technology changing how they are made, there have been considerable advances in how they are sold, too. E-commerce and the internet have leveled the playing field and made affordable cigars available to consumers worldwide. Tobacco manufacturers and sellers, big and small, can reach a broad spectrum of markets with their advertising and products. Brick-and-mortar cigar outlets must compete with digital services and websites, which usually means better consumer prices and choices. Aspiring enthusiasts and those who enjoy cigars can shop from work or home and try new flavors and styles.
Published By: Aize Perez