Nick Laureano Leaving a Trail of Positive Motivation in the World through Clothing Brand Only the Motivated

Motivation does so much to dreams and in many cases, it was all some successful people needed to become who they are today. For 26-year-old entrepreneur, actor and content creator, Nick Laureano, motivation is a tool used to give people hope, power and drive to accomplish things in life. He established a clothing brand to embody that belief and is now on a full-fledged mission to spread motivation and positive thinking globally.

Describing the reason behind the brand’s birth, “I wanted to give everyone in the world hope to go after their dreams and visions,” Nick said. “You have to be motivated and self driven to accomplish things in life, it starts with you taking the necessary action to live a meaningful life with no regret. I wanted to give everyone who wears the brand a chance to be themselves in a world full of judgement that no matter what your journey was, you can make it happen despite the odds,” he added.

In what seems like a reliving experience he already lived, Nick Laureano recollects everything he has been through in his life and uses them as reminders that things have to become better for him and as many people as possible. The Boston-born entrepreneur is passionate about instilling beliefs in people that they can do exceptional things. Growing up in a city where people gave up too easily to join criminal gangs and engage in various dangerous activities, Nick stayed true to himself and moved with a good crowd for the right reasons. He understands that not many people are fortunate enough to make good choices; therefore, he wants to improve those odds in his own little way. 

Nick remembers many people thinking he would amount to nothing or end up in jail despite being a well-behaved kid. He believes he did not get so much in the form of motivation and encouragement but he wants to change that for many children and young adults in the world today. Nick had dreams of becoming a basketball player but his life took a different turn that rendered him homeless and working multiple jobs after high school. Dusting himself off and picking himself up, he looked at the brighter side and put his life in order.

“With all the difficulties i faced, I never for once stopped being a shining light unto others. I’ve always been a motivated and influential man that people came to for advice or life lessons. Sometimes, I couldn’t always give that back to myself, but I told myself no matter how hard it gets, I wouldn’t give up and that’s why I devoted my life’s journey to becoming a motivational influencer for as many who need that kind of thing in their lives,” Nick revealed.

Nick Laureano has plans to go into the film industry to build a brand that many young people can look up to and draw inspiration from. He’s a strong proponent of positive talk, and he believes that anything anybody says and pronounces for themselves will always find a way to manifest in their lives.

With his clothing brand, Only the Motivated, taking off, Nick Laureano sees the brand going international. At the same time, he hopes to spread his messages of hope, self-belief, determination and never giving up to everyone struggling to find their passion in the world.

“Anybody can become successful. It only depends on their internal and external environments. With the right mindset and motivation, there are no limits to what every one of us can accomplish,” Nick said.

Learn more about Nick Laureano and shop Only the Motivated merchandise on the official shop.

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